Upgrading to v2

svelte-canvas@2 has been rewritten for Svelte 5. General usage and features have not changed, but the components make use of new Svelte 5 syntax.


Event handlers

svelte-canvas@2 uses Svelte 5’s new event syntax. Event handlers are now passed as props, rather than using the on: prefix. The onresize component event payload no longer has a detail property.

<!-- Before -->
  on:click={() => console.log("clicked")}
  on:resize={(e) => console.log(e.detail.width)}
<!-- After -->
  onclick={() => console.log("clicked")}
  onresize={(e) => console.log(e.width)}


The getCanvas and getContext methods have been removed. Instead, you can use the component instance’s canvas and context properties to access the canvas and context.

<!-- Before -->
  let canvas;
  $: canvas?.getCanvas(); // HTMLCanvasElement
  $: canvas?.getContext(); // CanvasRenderingContext2D
<Canvas bind:this={canvas} />
<!-- After -->
  let canvas;
  $effect(() => {
    canvas?.canvas; // HTMLCanvasElement
    canvas?.context; // CanvasRenderingContext2D
<Canvas bind:this={canvas} />


Event handlers

Layer event handlers also make use of the new Svelte 5 syntax. Layer event callbacks now receive plain objects rather than CustomEvents. The layer event handler payload type has been renamed from CanvasLayerEvent to LayerEvent.

<!-- Before -->
  import { Layer, type CanvasLayerEvent } from 'svelte-canvas';
  const handleClick = (e: CanvasLayerEvent) => {
    console.log(e.detail.x, e.detail.y);
<Layer on:click={handleClick} />
<!-- After -->
  import { Layer, type LayerEvent } from 'svelte-canvas';
  const handleClick = (e: LayerEvent) => {
    console.log(e.x, e.y);
<Layer onclick={handleClick} />

Render function reactivity

In v1, render functions had to be declared reactively with $:. In v2, render functions can simply be declared with const. The $derived rune is not needed for reactive rendering.

// Before
let render: Render;
$: render = ({ context }) => { ... };
// After
const render: Render = ({ context }) => { ... };